Britney Spears Biography

Britney Spears was born in Kentwood, Louisiana, U.S.A. on December 2nd 1981. "Even as a little baby, Britney was a real darling…she was always being noticed." Says Lynne Spears, Britney's Mom. Lynne has even said that Britney was dancing around at the early age of two. In fact, Britney's parents believed in her abilities so much that Lynne would drive two hours everyday just so Britney could attend gymnastics classes. Although gymnastics was a fun pastime for Britney--the uneven bars and floor exercise were her favorites--she found that she wasn't nearly as strong as the other girls and although she practiced over three hours a day, the moves didn't come near as easy to her. Giving up on gymnastics was a total loss, however, as Britney soon found out that it had developed her skills as a dancer. Changing her goals, the future queen of pop performed at her first talent show at the early age of six. By the time she was nine, she was already traveling around to different dance competitions performing in the jazz lyrical dancing category. Gymnastics and dancing at an early age wasn't the only preparation she did for her future career--Lynne has said that Britney could be found singing all the time.

Biography Kristen Jaymes Stewart

Biography Kristen Jaymes Stewart
Kristen Jaymes Stewart was born in Los Angeles, California on April 9th, 1990 to John Stewart and Jules Mann-Stewart. Kristen’s father, John, works as a stage manager and TV producer for different organizations, most notably FOX. Her mother, Jules Mann-Stewart, is originally from Australia and works as a script supervisor in Los Angeles. Kristen also has an older brother, Cameron.
When Kristen was young, her family relocated to Colorado, where they lived for several years before moving back to Los Angeles. Her acting career began after an agent noticed her performing in a school Christmas play when she was eight years old. After a non-speaking part in a Disney TV movie, Kristen acted in the role of Sam Jennings in The Safety of Objects. Shortly after completing this film, Kristen landed the part of Jodie Foster’s daughter in Panic Room (2002). Then only 12 years old, Kristen was already working with one of the biggest names in Hollywood. She received praise for her performance in the film, and, as a result, garnered the respect of the Hollywood community and was nominated for a Young Artist Award (for a complete list of Kristen’s feature film roles, please refer to the “Filmography” page)

Miley Cyrus Biography

Miley Cyrus Biography

Miley Cyrus Bio Early Years Miley Cyrus was born on November 23rd, 1992 in Franklin, TN (just outside Nashville), but she wasn’t called Miley. Her birth name is actually Destiny Hope Cyrus – obviously her parents were expecting big things from her, even before she was born.

Growing up on a farm with her father Billy Ray Cyrus of Achy Breaky Heart fame, her mother, sister and brother, she quickly aquired the name Miley because she smiled so much (smiley eventually trimmed down to Miley). In January 2008, Miley officially changed her name from Destiny Hope Cyrus to Miley Ray Cyrus.

Miley Cyrus Bio Tween – Teen Years


Pastilah hampir semua orang mempunyai salah satu jenis warna yang sangat disukai dari sekian banyak warna yang ada atau yang biasa disebut dengan warna favorit. Nah, dari situ kita bisa lihat watak kamu berdasarkan warna favorit kamu.
Warna Biru
Jika kamu menyukai warna biru, maka kamu termasuk dalam tipe pemurung, selalu menyenangkan dan selalu bertindak pasif dalam segala hal. Mendambakan ketenangan dan ketentraman. Kamu selalu mendapat kesulitan dalam pergaulan. Demikian pula dalam bercinta karena kamu pintar dalam menyembunyikan perasaan.
Warna Hijau
Warna kesukaan kamu hijau, maka kamu adalah tipe yang sangat romantik, menyukai keindahan, menyenangi alam dengan udara yang sejuk. Kamu adalah seseorang yang selalu memegang prinsip. Dalam hal bercinta kamu mengidam-idamkan calon teman hidup yang penuh toleransi dan dapat dipercaya.
Warna Kuning
Kesukaan kamu warna kuning menandakan bahwa kamu memiliki sifat optimis. Kamu tipe periang dan senang bergaul, tidak memiliki penampilan yang loyo. Sifat tolong-menolong selalu ada dalam diri kamu, karena menolong merupakan suatu kewajiban mutlak bagi kamu. Kamu orang yang tidak pernah meremehkan siapapun juga, walaupun seseorang itu dungu atau bloon.



R. Soekarno1 (was born in Blitar, East Java, on June 6 1901 – died in Jakarta, on June 21 1970 in the age 69 years) was Indonesian President first that hold the office of in the period 1945 - 1966. He played the role important to liberate the Indonesian nation from the Dutch colonisation. He was the Kepancasilaan excavator. He was the Proclaimer of Indonesian Independence (was with Mohammad Hatta) that happened on August 17 1945. He published the Letter Of Instruction on March 11 1966 Supersemar that was controversial that, that it seems, including his contents was assigned Lieutenant General Soeharto to pacify and maintain his authority. But this Supersemar was misused by Lieutenant General Soeharto to undermine his authority with the road to accuse him of taking part in masterminding the Movement on September 30. The charges caused People's Consultative Assembly Sementara that his member was replaced with the person who for Soeharto, shifted the presidency to Soeharto

The background and education

Soekarno was born by the name of Kusno Sosrodihardjo. His father was named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo, a teacher in Surabaya, Java. His mother named Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai came from Buleleng, Bali .
When small Soekarno lived with his grandfather in Tulungagung, East Java. In the age 14 years, a friend of his father who was named Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto asked Soekarno to live in Surabaya and to be sent to school to Hoogere Burger School (H.B.S.) there while reciting the Koran in the Tjokroaminoto place. In Surabaya, Soekarno often met the leaders of the Islam union, the organisation that was led by Tjokroaminoto at that time. Soekarno afterwards gathered with the Jong Java organisation (the Javanese Young Man).

Graduate from H.B.S. in 1920, Soekarno continued to Technische Hoge School (now ITB) in Bandung, and was finished during 1925. During in Bandung, Soekarno interacted with Tjipto Mangunkusumo and Dr. Douwes Dekker, that at that time were the leader of the National Indische Partij organisation.

Soekarno's family

Soekarno's wife
  • Oetari
  • Inggit Garnasih
  • Fatmawati
  • Hartini
  • RatnaSari Dewi Soekarno (the original name: Naoko Nemoto)
  • Haryati

Soekarno sons and daughters
  • Guruh Soekarnoputra
  • Megawati Soekarnoputri, Republic of Indonesia President the term of office of 2001-2004
  • Guntur Soekarnoputra
  • Rachmawati Soekarnoputri
  • Sukmawati Soekarnoputri
  • Taufan and Bayu (from the wife Hartini)
  • Kartika Sari Dewi Soekarno (from the wife Ratna sari Dewi Soekarno

Bagaimana caranya agar alumni SMK mempunyai daya tawar yang tinggi di bursa tenaga kerja?

Bagaimana caranya agar alumni SMK mempunyai daya tawar yang tinggi di bursa tenaga kerja?

1.Akses ke perusahaan-perusahaan yang sesuai dengan jurusan masing-masing siswa, lengkap dengan alamat dan cara melamar kerja. Pada sesi ini, pihak sekolah hanya memberikan data nama-nama perusahaan yang sekiranya menerima tenaga kerja (sesuai dengan jurusan) dari sekolah yang bersangkutan. Hal ini akan lebih baik jika pihak sekolah telah bekerja sama dengan  berbagai perusahaan nasional, sehingga ketika perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut mencari tenaga kerja, cukup dari sekolah yang bersangkutan saja

Biografi Thomas Alfa Edison

Thomas Alfa Edison adalah ilmuwan terkemuka dan salah satu ilmuwan paling produktif di jamannya memegang rekor 1.093 paten atas namanya. Sebagian besar penemuan ini tidak sepenuhnya asli tapi perbaikan paten sebelumnya. Edison menerima paten di seluruh dunia, termasuk Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Perancis, dan Jerman. Thomas Edison dilahirkan di Milan, Ohio 11 Februari 1847 dan meninggal 18 Oktober 1931 dan dibesarkan di PortHuron, Michigan. Edison menghabiskan waktu di masa mudanya menjual makanan ringan dan permen dikereta api. Dia juga bekerja sebagai penyembelih babi dan mulai bisnis menjual sayuran.

Ia konon bisa menebak berat manusia dengan benar dengan hanya memandangnya. Sekitar 1862, tulisan Edison dicetak dan diterbitkan " Huron Times-Herald ". Port Huron Times-Herald menampilkan cerita tentang Edison dan hasil penelitiannya. Edison mengajukan permohonan paten pertamanya tentang perekam suara listrik pada 28 Oktober 1868. Thomas Edison memulai karirnya sebagai seorang penemu di Newark, New Jersey dengan penemuan stockticker dan perangkat telegraphic.

Biography Albert Einstein

Biography Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor's degree.

During his stay at the Patent Office, and in his spare time, he produced much of his remarkable work and in 1908 he was appointed Privatdozent in Berne. In 1909 he became Professor Extraordinary at Zurich, in 1911 Professor of Theoretical Physics at Prague, returning to Zurich in the following year to fill a similar post. In 1914 he was appointed Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physical Institute and Professor in the University of Berlin. He became a German citizen in 1914 and remained in Berlin until 1933 when he renounced his citizenship for political reasons and emigrated to America to take the position of Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton*. He became a United States citizen in 1940 and retired from his post in 1945.

After World War II, Einstein was a leading figure in the World Government Movement, he was offered the Presidency of the State of Israel, which he declined, and he collaborated with Dr. Chaim Weizmann in establishing the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Einstein always appeared to have a clear view of the problems of physics and the determination to solve them. He had a strategy of his own and was able to visualize the main stages on the way to his goal. He regarded his major achievements as mere stepping-stones for the next advance.

At the start of his scientific work, Einstein realized the inadequacies of Newtonian mechanics and his special theory of relativity stemmed from an attempt to reconcile the laws of mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. He dealt with classical problems of statistical mechanics and problems in which they were merged with quantum theory: this led to an explanation of the Brownian movement of molecules. He investigated the thermal properties of light with a low radiation density and his observations laid the foundation of the photon theory of light.

In his early days in Berlin, Einstein postulated that the correct interpretation of the special theory of relativity must also furnish a theory of gravitation and in 1916 he published his paper on the general theory of relativity. During this time he also contributed to the problems of the theory of radiation and statistical mechanics.

Gaya Belajar Kinestetik

Gaya Belajar Kinestetik
Gaya belajar kinestetik adalah gaya belajar dengan gerakan.
Biasanya, orang-orang yang memiliki gaya belajar kinestetik perlu bergerak kesana-kemari untuk dapat menerima pelajaran atau informasi
Lantas, bagaimanakah cara mengenali bahwa seseorang memiliki gaya belajar kinestetik?

Avril Lavigne Biography

Avril Lavigne Biography
Avril Lavigne was born on September 27, 1984 in a 5,000 population town called Napanee, which is located in Ontario, Canada. As the middle child, she always tried to grab the attention when it wasn't on her.
Anything but ordinary. That's putting it mildly when describing Avril Lavigne. A skater-punk, a dynamic spirit, a true wild child. One of those rare creatures who started wowing people with her voice and character at around age 2. She was in many talent shows as a child. She got her first guitar at a young age.
"I always knew this was what I had to do," she says. "I remember when I was really young, standing on my bed like it was a stage, singing at the top of my lungs and visualizing thousands of people surrounding me".

Gaya Belajar Auditori

Gaya Belajar Auditori
                Gaya belajar auditori adalah cara atau model belajar dengan menggunakan indra pendengaran.
Bagaimanakah cara mengetahui gaya belajar seorang auditori?
Beriku ini ciri-ciri pembelajar auditorial:
ü  Suka berbicara kepada diri sendiri (inner speech)
ü  Mudah terganggu  oleh suara ribut,
ü  Ketika membaca, tanpa sadar bibir mereka bergerak-gerak seolah-olah bersuara,
ü  Sering kali senang membaca dengan keras dan akan lebih senang lagi apabila ada yang membacakannya

Gaya Belajar Visual

Gaya Belajar Visual
                Gaya belajar visual adalah cara atau model belajar dengan penampakan atau visualisasi.
Bagaimana cara mengetahui bahwa seseorang mempunyai gaya belajar visual?
 Berikut ini adalah cirri-ciri gaya belajar VISUAL
ü  Rapi dan teratur
ü  Berbicara dengan cepat,
ü  Mampu merencanakan dan mengatur jangka  panjang  yang  baik,
ü  Teliti terhadap detail dan pelik,
ü  Lebih mementingkan penampilan, baik dalam hal berpakaian maupun presentasi,
ü  Pengeja yang baik dan dapat melihat kata-kata yang sebenarnya
ü  Lebih mudah mengingat apa yang dilihat daripada apa yang didengar atau dilakukan,
ü  Lebih mudah mengingat dengan asosiasi visual,

Rahasia melawan kantuk

Rahasia melawan kantuk
1.      Tarik napas dalam-dalam dan pelan melalui hidung, kemudian lepaskan napas pelan melalui mulut. Lakukan ini 3 kali.
2.      Tarik napas dalam-dalam dan pelan lewat mulut, kemudian hembuskan napas pelan-pelan lewat hidung. Lakukan ini 3 kali.
3.      Tarik napas lewat hidung secara dalam dan pelan, kemudian lepaskan napas lewat hidung pelan. Lakukan ini 3 kali.

Tips mencegah rasa ngantuk saat belajar.

1.       Siapkan semangat belajar yang membara
2.       Siapkan buku yang dibutuhkan di meja belajar
3.       Duduk rapi di kursi meja belajar, sambil baca dan pegang pena warna untuk menandai hal penting di materi buku.
4.        Saat mata udah 5 watt kepala udah ngangguk-ngangguk ngantuk berat, mulut menguap berulang kali segera kasi sinyal ke otak. ‘’woiii,,, bangunnn!!!!!!!
5.       Secara tidak langsung kamu merasa sedikit kaget. Namun ini bisa bikin kamu gak ngantuk lagi. Maka, inilah kesempatan kamu untuk melanjutkan BELAJAR!!!

Tips melawan kantuk

Tips untuk memilih bimbingan belajar

Tips untuk memilih bimbingan belajar
1.    Cari info. Tanyakan kepada orang yang bisa dipercaya tentang bimbel tersebut.
2.    Lihat prestasi Bimbel tersebut dalam tahun-tahun terakhir.
3.    Lihat kualitas, lihat juga kuantitas.
4.    Lihat fasilitas dan kemampuan para pengajar

Cheese Chocolate Bolu Steam

Cheese Chocolate Bolu Steam
200 g of sugar
4 grain of egg
1 tea spoon of TBM
220 g of wheat-flour
30 g of chocolate powder
150 ml drink of sweat soda
100 g of rasp cheese

Sesuatu Banget

Awal masuk kelas IX  pada masa SMP dulu. Saat itu hati  ini merasa sedih. Karena, pisah dengan teman-teman di kelas VIII dulu. Hari berganti hari tak lama kemudian perasaan yang tidak baik itu hilang. Dan aku bersyukur bisa memasuki kelas itu. Karena teman-teman yang membuat aku sadar dan membuat aku memetik satu pelajaran dari mereka. Di mana mereka berteman tidak memandang dari segi apapun.  Banyak kenangan dan sesuatu yang bisa ku petik dari semua ini. Mereka membuat  aku mengerti apa arti sebuah PERSAHABATAN, belajar bersama, mengasihi satu sama lain, saling berbagi. Entah itu dalam hal makanan,cerita, maupun jawaban. Hehe.. 
Banyak cerita yang terkenang pada saat itu, entah gosip,masalah tugas, lelucon, bahkan cinlok pun terjadi. Semua berlangsung sangat cepat. Banyak ujian ketika mendekati kelulusan. Pada suatu hari saya di panggil ke ruang  Waka/BK Pada saat itu hati merasa was-was. Pada saat itu kesalahan yang di perbuat mengenai salah mengirim SMS. Saya dan teman dimintai penjelasan mengapa ini bisa terjadi. Setelah selesai tentang masalah ini. Saya keluar bersama teman saya dan memasuki kelas. Hati lega. Karena masalah ini dapat diatasi. Hari berganti hari tibalah saatnya mendekati UAS dan UN.
Pada saat kami sedang berada di dalam kelas. Masuk seorang ibu guru, ibu guru Cuma menyampaikan tips menghadapi UN dan setelah menyampaikan pesan itu, ibu guru berpesan kepada kami sebelum itu kalian harus meminta maaf kepada orang tua kalian sesampainya dirumah untuk meminta restu dan doa dalam menghadapi UN, setelah itu keesokan harinya kalian meminta maaf kepada wali kelas kalian dan teman-teman. Ketika keesokan harinya salah satu dari perwakilan kelas memulai satu kata demi kata,  maksud kami meminta kedatangan wali kelas kami ke ruang kelas untuk meminta maaf dan meminta doa agar kami bisa LULUS. Hari yang menyedihkan saat itu. Di mana semua murid menangis. Air mata ku pun jatuh semakin banyak ketika maju untuk salim dan meminta maaf kepada wali kelas. Setelah semua murid selesai salim dan meminta maaf. Ibu guru keluar, dan tibalah kami meminta maaf satu sama lain.